MASA has solidified a Front Range Seed Bank of open-pollinated, locally adapted, heirloom, farm-grown, rigorously selected seeds.

Community Supported Agriculture is a wonderful avenue for community members to contribute to a thriving local food system. Before the first seeds go into the soil, CSA members pledge their support to a local farm by purchasing a share of the produce to be grown that season. Having this income before the growing season begins allows the farm to cover overhead costs and get to work! Learn more
Farm to Food Bank
MASA has been running a farm-to-food-bank program since 2022, supplying
local area food pantries and food hubs with farm-fresh, nutritious
produce that is organic and healthy. Read more and support our program!

Get Involved
Buy Seeds and Produce
Pick up some fresh produce at our farm store or purchase seeds in our online store to grow your own!
Become a Sponsor
Your support matters! Your donation to MASA Seed Foundation is 100% tax deductible. Click here to donate.
Many hands make light work! Join us on the farm, in the office, or as a board member. Learn more or contact us to get started.
Become a Member
Support MASA by joining our Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) program or by becoming a member.
Our Mission
Enabling a vibrant, local food system for the Front Range with a bio-regional seed bank driven by strategic farm designs for the production of organic seeds, plants and produce.