Plant Nursery - Vegetables, Herbs, Flowers
The MASA Plant Nursery offers an extensive inventory of plants for your home gardens, landscapes, and for your growing needs. The Nursery will open to the public in late April for the season.
Plants for Sale - 2024
MASA Native and Perennial Plant Nursery plant list see below:
Our summer sale includes half price small annuals, large strawberries, and perennials. There is a limited supply, so come and get yours today!
Waiting for things to cool down? Planning ahead? So are we. The fall perennial sale will be coming soon! Check out our perennial list for all the exciting native and naturalized perennials we will have available. Don't see what you want? Send us an email at
Come visit us today! MASA Seedhouse and Plant Nursery now open weekdays 10-5 and Saturdays 10-1.
MASA Seed Foundation - 75th and Arapahoe (1367 75th Street, Boulder)
Summer Sale
Natives (Gallons (G), 2, 3, Inch Pots)
Perennial Natives from North American and Colorado.
- Blue Vervain (G) (Colorado Native!)
- Joe-Pye-Weed, Boneset (G) (North Am Native!)
- Red/White Yarrow (G, 3 inch) (Colorado Native!)
- Aspen Daisy (G) (Colorado Native!)
- Lance-Leaf Coreopsis (2 inch) (Colorado Native!)
Tender Perennials (Gallons (G), 5 Inch Pots)
Your summer herb garden. Overwinter indoors and it’ll be next year’s herb garden too.
- Ashwagandha (G)
- Thyme (5 inch)
- Oregano (5 inch)
- Mexican Tarragon (5 inch)
- Catnip (5 inch)
Naturalized Perennials ((G), 2, 3, 5 Inch Pots)
Front range adapted–hardy–low water plants.
- Marshmallow (G)
- Catmint (G, 2 inch, 5 inch)
- Hyssop (G, 3 inch, 5 inch)
- Maltese Cross (G, 2 inch, 3 inch)
- Korean Licorice Mint (G, 3 inch, 5 inch)
- Garden Sage (G, 5 inch)
- Violas 'Helen Mount' (5 inch)
- Snow-N-Summer (G)
- Rhubarb
- Strawberries
- Portulaca
- Lemon Bergamot
- Marjoram
- Hummingbird Sage
- Victoria Blue Sage
- Impatiens Baskets
Fall Sale
Plant for Fall or Plan for Next Spring. Availability is always expanding, don’t see what you want? Let us know!
- Alpine Toadflax (Linaria alpina) - (3.5 inch)
- Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) - (2.5 inch) (Colorado Native!)
- Black-eyed-Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) - (3.5 inch) (Colorado Native!)
- ‘Double Gold’
- ‘Gloriosa Daisy’
- Lance Leaf Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata) - (4.5 inch) (Colorado Native!)
- Maltese Cross (Silene chalcedonica)- (3.5 inch)
- Red Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) - (3.5 inch) (Colorado Native!)
- Korean Licorice Mint (Agastache rugosa) - (3.5 inch)
- Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) - (3.5 inch)
- Catnip (Nepeta cataria) - (4.5 inch)
- Catmint (Nepeta Mussinii) - (4.5 inch)
- Maximilian Sunflower (Helianthus maximiliani) - (4.5 inch) (Colorado Native!)
- Hollyhock 'Indian Spring' (Alcea rosea) - (4.5 inch)
- Hollyhock 'Majorette' (Alcea rosea) - (4.5 inch)
- Hollyhock 'Summer Carnival' (Alcea rosea) - (4.5 inch)
- Eastern Red Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) - (2.5 inch) (North Am Native!)
- Columbine 'Mix' - (2.5 inch) (North Am Native!)
- Columbine 'Crystal Star' (Aquilegia coerulea) - (2.5 inch) (Colorado Native!)
- Columbine 'Giants Mix' (Aquilegia x hybrida) - (2.5 inch) (North Am Native!)
- Dianthus 'Superb Pink White’ (Dianthus superbus) - (3.5 inch)
- Dianthus 'Superb Pink' (Dianthus superbus) - (3.5 inch)
- Dianthus 'Maiden Pink White' (Dianthus deltoides) - (3.5 inch)
- Dianthus 'Maiden Pink Red' (Dianthus deltoides) - (3.5 inch)
- Dianthus 'Allwood Pink' (Dianthus x Allwoodii) - (3.5 inch)
- Dianthus 'Plumarius Sonata' (Dianthus plumarius) - (3.5 inch)
- Dianthus 'Hellborn Glory' (Dianthus barbatus) - (3.5 inch)
- Dianthus 'Sweet William' (Dianthus barbatus)- (3.5 inch)
- Balloon Flower ‘White’ (Platycodon grandiflorus) - (2.5 inch)
- Balloon Flower ‘Blue’ (Platycodon grandiflorus) - (2.5 inch)
- Large Beardtongue (Penstemon grandiflorus) - (3.5 inch) (Colorado Native!)
- 'Rocky Mountain Penstemon (Penstemon strictus) - (3.5 inch) (Colorado Native!)
- Narrowleaf Penstemon (Penstemon angustifolius) - (3.5 inch) (Colorado Native!)